Monday, November 8, 2010

Dexter: Season 5 Episode 7, plus I hate on Deb for awhile

I don't really feel like rehashing my stupid weekend from the last post so I am going to continue that later on. Sorry for those of you who were on the edge of your seat for the last week and a half. I'm flattered, but you all should really stop centering your life around my blog posts - it isn't healthy!

I think instead I am going to talk about... Dexter. The show, not my dog. Sorry Dexter 2. That 2 indicates that he came into my life 2nd in time, but he will always be number 1 in importance. Unless Dexter somehow gets insanely better, if that's even possible. Maybe if they replaced the whole cast with dogs that would be a good start. Can you even imagine? I'm just picturing what kind of dog they could use to sum up that asshole Quinn. God I hate him.

I don't usually review shows like this unless I hate them (see psychic rants) but my brother Darrell called me last night wanting to talk about True Blood so maybe I am just in the mood to talk turkey about television. I hate alliteration. Why did I just put myself through that? Ahem, back to my convo about True Blood. Darrell & I were chitchatting about Eric and Sam and all of my favorite characters on there. I just realized that we didn't even MENTION Lafayette. Dang! His storyline must be boring as hell because he is totally my favorite character and I didn't even think to talk about him. Sadface.

We talked about True Blood and other such worldly topics for awhile and then I watched the latest episode of Dexter and went to bed. By went to bed, I mean to say I procrastinated for a couple of hours, lollygagging if you will, and trying to extend my 48 minutes of Dexter. Once I am done watching an episode and there are no more left to watch, I look for reviews online so I can somehow lengthen the experience, like the episode is not really over yet.

I read a review that was just terrible. Terrible grammar and terribly written. Not exciting, no big words, nothing! So maybe that's another reason I want to write my own sort of review. I think I really just want to talk about Dexter to somehow stretch it even thinner so I don't have to think about how the next episode is not on for another 6 days. Agony!

Dexter: Season 5, Episode 7
"Circle Us"
SPOILERS! For the whole 5 seasons, just because I can.

What the crap was that nanny thinking, putting up some kind of religious relic over someone else's baby? I swear. I loved how Dexter said it was the most boring action figure ever. But seriously, that nanny chick is weird. I feel like every time Dexter leaves the house he has to worry about getting back at a reasonable hour. Ok that sounds stupid on my part. I don't know... just something about her rubs me the wrong way. Why is she given any storyline at all? Maybe she has a dark secret!! Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part!!

Secondly, but most importantly, Quinn needs to die. I am seriously hoping that this season ends with Dexter finding mad dirt on Quinn and killing his ass. What if Quinn was part of the ring of douchers that Dexter & Lumen are looking for now - wouldn't that be fantastic!? I'm sure Dexter would have something really witty and hilarious to say to Quinn while he was on the chopping block but I'm afraid a girl will just have to dream. I could supply some phrases though. "Well aren't we in a quinn-dary now!" HAHAHA! Man I crack myself up. Moving on!

Deb - what are you doing with Quinn, that asshole from the last paragraph? Deb's guy-dar is seriously broken. She needs to get that shit fixed pronto. First boyfriend from Season 1 was harmless, but a huge loser who had his paws all over Deb at lunch with Dexter and Rita, cause that spells CLASS. Then the Ice-Truck Killer proposes to her after like 2 weeks and she is all, Yes! Yes! I think he summed it up best when he said, "You were so desperate to be loved." It's true.

And isn't Deb still perpetuating this same crap over and over again with every guy she hooks up with? Who is next from Season 2... oh right, the guy from the gym, Gabriel. He was actually a nice guy but of course she effed it up, but she did redeem herself by choosing Lundy. He was a classy guy! Then he left to go skiing or something, I never really got that part but I do remember Deb wearing a ski hat. I liked Anton from Season 3 but still, she seems like such a snob when she's like, I can't date him.. DAD wouldn't approve. Girl, grow up! Dad is way too focused on Dexter, even in the afterlife. He could care less who you are nailing.

Season 4 - Lundy. That was sad. I liked Lundy and when you find out who actually killed him and why - oh my god. I wanted to kill that bitch myself. Then she asked Deb for forgiveness, what the hell was that? Ahh... ok now season 5, Quinn.

Deb: I don't want to be alone tonight.
Quinn: I'm no good for you.
Deb: I'm not looking for good.

Way to set the bar high, girl! You basically just admitted that Quinn is a piece of trash but you don't care as long as there is some booty in it for you. Sad day for womenkind everywhere. And poor Dexter, having to see that butthole in his apartment while Deb is supposed to be watching the baby. Seriously Deb - come on!

Wow I had to rant about Deb for awhile - I covered 5 seasons of crappy Deb decisions. Now back to Season 5 Episode 7. What is Lumen's deal? I mean, she is ok and stuff, but I honestly don't even feel like talking about her because she kind of sucks. I think I just wish she was an unknown actress instead of Julia Stiles. I keep thinking of other movies she has been in and how weird this role is for her. And god I really hope nothing romantic develops between them. They shared an awkward hug at the end of this episode that made me want to vomit. Stick to the handshakes, Dexter, and all will be well.

Hmm have I missed anything? I mean, the shooting at the club. I knew it was not going to end well for that chick who was supposed to be helping out the cops. Yasmin? Jasmine? I can't remember her name. LaGuerta totally dropped the ball by ordering the cop to go hang out with the Fuentes brothers. Then she said if anyone made any mistakes, it wasn't her! Poor Angel, just trying to help out with his adorable accent. He is such a cuddly teddy bear.

Final note: How disgusting is Liddy? I think it's a sign that he's a good actor but ugh, he makes my skin crawl. Typical for a dirty cop to blame the person that nailed him though. Sounds like something Quinn would say. Maybe he's on the same path (fingers crossed!!).

Aaaaand scene! I hope you enjoyed my recap of "Circle Us" as well as recaps from other various episodes throughout the lifetime of Dexter. On a completely unrelated note, on Friday my neighbor asked me if I have ADD. Adios!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kinda Long Social Commentary Rant so Strap In!

Ok so I haven't written here in awhile because I actually got a pseudo-job. I babysit an 8 month old baby who is so effin cute. I have some funny videos and pictures of him but I'm not going to put any up yet until I ask his mom Annie for permission.

Annie, by the way, cracks me up. She is so funny and kind of the mom I hope to be like. I felt the same way about Christal, the woman I babysat for back in Salisbury. She would arrive home at the end of the night, write me a check, and I'd make like I was going to leave, but we would always end up sitting on the couch chatting away. I'd text Dennis when I saw her headlights coming up the driveway, saying "Christal's back, be home soon" or something like that. When I didn't show up 15 minutes later Dennis would start to call and I'd ignore it usually. No offense Dennis but those conversations got pretty intense.

So anywho, I am trying to decide what topic to tackle next. So far my entries have been a mix of me listing off things that annoy me (mainly psychics, tv shows, or the combination of the 2), some mildly serious political views, and some observational humor (at least it's humorous to me) (Have I used enough parentheses in this sentence?). So where next?

I endured a rather trying experience this month that leads me to think I should attempt some social commentary. This same feeling of wanting to write and direct my very own PSA for the stupid people in my life happened after another crappy experience in my past. It's not exactly the same but somehow it seems like when bad things happen to you, you can better observe the actions of others and judge them more harshly/accurately. For example, you'd think this was common knowledge but clearly it isn't as I see it happening all the damn time. Using FACEBOOK as a medium to express condolences over a serious tragedy, such as oh I don't know, a death in the family, is not acceptable. Or it shouldn't be. But facebook rules all these days so it very well may be the sole vehicle we all will have to use to communicate with someday.

Having gone through a tragedy, I have plenty of social commentary to offer - mostly a list of "What Not To Do!" This one is difficult though because I try to keep in mind that people are acting with good intentions and perhaps they really don't know any better. Someday I will make a film about it and make everyone watch it Clockwork Orange-style.

My latest social commentary comes on the heels of some "guests" I had staying in my home for a long LONG weekend. I put guest in quotes because I was trying to be sarcastic or something, inasmuch as the word guest seems to imply that the people in question are gracious and respectful, while the ones at my house were not... but maybe I am reading into it too much.

So I have a long weekend and I'm ready to have my house back to myself. I love all of my friends and I like being social but a lot of times I get so easily annoyed by people and think how much better my day would be if I didn't have to interact with certain people. Is it a surprise that I identify very strongly with Liz Lemon, Tina Fey's character on 30 Rock?

By Sunday morning, nothing too bad had happened but I was still grinding my teeth and popping my legally prescribed Xanax (for just such situations!) in anticipation of when my guests would be leaving. We attended an event that lasted until the late evening. A sad realization came over me when I knew that the event had ended at such a time that the guests would most likely stay another night at our house. Sigh.

Then I panic and think about Monday and how Dennis will be at work and thus I'm going to be the sole entertainer. I like having Dennis around because he is quite a social butterfly and gets along with people so well. I get along with people too but.. hmm. How can I put this? When his phone rings he answers it 95% of the time, whether he knows the number or not. I answer mine about 5% of the time, even if I do recognize the number. I just don't feel like talking to or being around people sometimes. It doesn't mean I don't like them most of the time or even all of the time, it just means I need to not be around people in general. And by people I mean everyone except D1 & D2.

So I plan a completely unnecessarily long trip to get lunch with my BFF Mere. I was going to say the lunch in itself was unnecessary but it wasn't. I totally needed to see Mere. I had been seeking advice from her all weekend for my calamity and I thought it would be nice to sit down and talk in person. I drove an hour both ways to eat a bagel with cream cheese. It was fun and worth it, and I love seeing my Mermy, but it was just a way for me to get out of the house.

It was so bad that I got home early from lunch and had an hour before I had to go babysit, and instead of going home I went to a Marshall's and looked around. I don't even have any fun souvenirs to show for it!  Ok I'm getting ahead of myself.

Knowing I was going to have to share my home for the next 24 hours (at least) with the likes of this prick was really frustrating to me. It made my stomach churn and so I removed myself from the situation. When I got back from babysitting on Monday I went upstairs and took some phone calls in the privacy of my room. Every second that ticked by made me feel more and more distressed. When they finally left my house, I felt so relieved. That wasn't the end of it - I told the guest he wasn't welcome in my house again until he learned not to be a bigot. His reaction was to delete me on facebook. Oh facebook, you wily minx, you cruel-hearted mistress, when will you cease your endless torment?!

So I guess my commentary here is regarding my obligation to my guests and their obligation to me. The reason I was getting so annoyed by their presence was because I supposed they would leave on Sunday night, and then they didn't and didn't say when they were leaving nor make any move to pack or leave by 8pm on Monday. It had been a 4 day weekend that I was ready to end. At one point I was texting Mere and she asked if I thought I should go to the event on Sunday or if it was possible for me to skip it. I said something like, "Yea I was thinking about skipping it but social etiquette demands that I go." Then Mere said "Your mental health comes first." What an epiphany.

Isn't that sad, that people need to be reminded of that? How many events or phone calls or conversations have you sat through when you really wanted to leave? You could have walked away at any time but instead you think, Oh I can't do that. Why can't you? Says who? Says everyone. But then why isn't the same stigma applied to people staying at my god damn house! If I was to kick people to the curb, I'm an asshole... but what about the people who overstay their welcome - what are they? Are they not assholes??

Falling asleep - to be continued later.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Disney is waging biological warfare on me

Omg readers.. I can pluralize that.. there's more than one of you right?

Readers.. scary news. I was attacked by some unknown breed of super-bugs hellbent on conveying some sort of message to me. I think this is like when people send satellites into outer space with all kind of different languages and codes and symbols on them, so there's a better chance that the aliens will understand what we're saying.

Well these super-bugs chose me as their vessel and sent me a communication. See below:

So what do you think? Is it Braille? Should I take an imprint and make a mold so that I can study it or better yet, take it to a Braille professional who is more likely to obtain knowledge from it because I don't know Braille?

Could it be Morse Code? What does "all dots" mean? Does Morse Code differentiate between different sized dots? Or does that just mean it's a capital letter?

Does anyone see any religious relics in there? Maybe a Virgin Mary or a Jesus, although those typically only surface on grilled cheese sandwiches. Yea I think I see it. It's definitely Cain. Or Abel. I think it might be easier if I did a connect-the-dots type thing. Holy shit. There it is...

Oh.. my... god. This goes deeper than I first thought. I need to talk to some friends in the FBI before I look into this any further. Godspeed my friends.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blue Heron Homicide

I have been thinking about this great story lately. It is not great in the traditional sense like Dickens or Hemingway, or even in the sense that you will rush to tell all of your friends my great story.. actually now that I've put some thought into it maybe the word should be awful or tragic instead of great. Count yourself lucky if you aren't curled up in a ball rocking back and forth and sucking your thumb by the end of this story. And crying. And channeling your thoughts through your friend Tony who lives in your finger.

Let's start out by talking about the blue heron. As you can tell by the title of the post, this story does not end well for the old boy. I went to Wikipedia, my 2nd love, to find out more about this majestic bird. Wouldn't you know it is actually called the GREAT Blue Heron? Man. What the hell. Well anywho, the Wikipedia page doesn't really tell me what I want to know, but I think what I'm looking for is somewhat intangible. Maybe it is an Eastern Shore thing, but blue herons are practically worshipped down there. My apartment in Salisbury was next door to a museum dedicated to waterfowl... in layman's terms - BIRDS. These people love their birds, and I think the blue heron is right at the top of the list, like the bird king.

Now that you have a little background, I'll tell you that the story starts with a trip to PA or something. A trip home from PA, more specifically. Dennis had been driving my cute little Honda Fit for most of the 8 hour trip when he finally asked me to take over the wheel for the last hour. I was a good sport (read: new relationship, accommodating gf) so I obliged. Maybe it looked something like this:

Probably looked more real-lifey though, but that's beside the point. The point is, don't we look great in my fly-ass whip? So we're driving down the highway, when we see this...

And Dennis used his super keen observational powers.

I was so focused on my driving that I didn't even see the heron. I had seen them enough on the shore that I didn't try TOO hard to look for the aforementioned heron; that is, until Dennis broke out his super keen perceptibility powers.

I feebly attempted to locate the heron in my sights but again, I just wasn't that interested. Until Dennis suggested that the regal bird acting weird = acting drunk. Hmm. So I finally saw the bird in all its glory..

This is all, of course, a recollection from almost 3 years ago, so forgive me for not remembering the specific brand of 40 that he was drinking.

There was probably 5 or 10 seconds from the time that I first saw the heron and the time it merged paths with my life, but it seemed like even less than that and I honestly don't remember what that path looked like, but I will still attempt to recreate it for you.

Bird rolls like tumbleweed across median.

Bird eats shit, takes impact to the face.

Bird makes misguided attempt at flight.

Bird misjudges velocity of the oncoming Fit.

Last minute assessment of his surroundings...

And splat.

This bird loop-de-looped around in the air, drifting from the median straight into oncoming traffic. Before I had time to react, this bird was face-planting directly into my windshield.

The sound was so loud I couldn't believe that my windshield hadn't broken or even cracked at all. My rearview mirror snapped from the windshield and landed in the backseat. The bird's body succumbed to the aerodynamic design of my car and rolled over the top, then off to the side of the road.

Dennis and Darick started laughing insanely and calling every person in their contacts while I continued to drive in shock and horror.
I had just killed a blue heron. A priceless treasure of a bird. But to be fair, he was most definitely intoxicated, whether the remains of the alcoholic beverage he was consuming were ever found by the police or not. I hope you won't think me a bad person, although to this day I harbor a deep resentment for herons and other alcoholic waterfowl.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Flaming Drinks, Mud Baths, Single Fish, Scrabble History, Doggie Ice Cream, and Daddy Forbes

Oh man. Do you ever save voicemails from people just because you know it is so funny/thoughtful/whatever that you know you will want to hear it again, just not right now? I do that a lot. I'll save it and then when it is about to expire it's a pleasant surprise, like finding $5 in your pocket or in someone's pocket whose clothes you wash.

Well I do that with my gchats too. I mean they don't expire or anything, but sometimes I'll be in gmail rooting through my old emails and I'll spot a certain word or phrase that catches my eye and makes me think it might be worth reading again. Then I waste hours upon hours reminiscing about me and my hilarious friends and how much time I wasted at the Department of Labor aka DLLR (not because I was lazy or anything, I was just SUPER-EFFICIENT and got my work done super fast and therefore had way too much free time on my hands to gchat with my hilarious friends).

Come to think of it, that's probably why my blog was so great when I worked there. I had so much free time and lots of frustration to vent. Lots of stupid people to comment on, too. Oh, there was fodder galore! I guess what I wrote would be considered observational humor, and a lot of it was in the format of gmail conversations between me and co-workers about the life forms that populated my workspace. On days that I was feeling especially lazy, I would leave out much of my own commentary and just post gmail conversations that I thought were kind of funny.

I'm telling you this because I'm about to spam you with some gchats. Sorry about that.

Meredith: i'd love to meet her
Meredith: and spill a drink on her

Meredith: lthere are plenty
of other single fish in the sea  
why not go for the next best thing...
me: dating a fish
Meredith: HIS TWIN
me: oh 

Taylor: i think we should plan a girl date
we can pretend we're somewhere awesome for vacation
i mean its right next to a winery
on the water
its a resort
there are mud baths
throw yourself off the dock during low tide

me: omg.
i just used the word turd
Meredith: lol
scrabble history.

me: lol doggie ice cream?? wtf!
Sarah: you haven't seen that?
it is supposed to taste like peanut butter but it is nasty
me: you tried it
Sarah: well, i had to see if it was good before i gave it to ella!

Meredith: doyou want to come over tonight!
Lily and abbey and I are gonna eat panera
and watch "girl with the dragon tattoo" on TV
me: my pops is takin us to dinner
Meredith: well for fucks sake
thanks a lot daddy forbes
me: but shit when is it on
Meredith: I think it's on on demand

I hope you find these as entertaining as I did, and still do. And if not, then maybe you could spill a drink on me in the future. Just not a flaming drink.

Paint, I have rediscovered you

By Paint, I mean the paint program I had on my old laptop. I could never find an equivalent for Mac until I stumbled upon (literally AND figuratively!!)(Editor's note: That makes no sense unless you know about the site You're welcome.) one of the most genuinely entertaining blogs on the planet. It is called Hyperbole and a Half. It is written by a girl named Allie who reminds me so much of myself that it is mildly creepy. I mean, she is 25, she made an Encino Man reference, she likes raptors, she is a grammar nazi, she touched my leg... what? The list goes on.

She draws a lot of pictures on her blog using a program for Mac called Paintbrush. I am so relieved that I read the FAQs on her blog because otherwise I would have never found it... because I am so damn lazy. I mean I looked for other programs and downloaded a few but they were too complicated and intimidating. I deleted them and then emptied the trash immediately so I wouldn't have time to look upon them in shame. Then I lived the rest of my life in despair until I found her blog. Seriously just read one post and I bet you will be hooked.

Anywho, her funny little pictures reawakened my inner artist... err.. computer-based artist. I drew a bunch of pictures on Paint when I worked back at the Department of Labor, but the only one I can think of off the top of my head is dedicated to rats. Robin, my lovely and amusing former co-worker, stated that we were like rats in a cage at our jobs. So I drew this for her:

See how freakin talented I was back in my heyday? So now I'm back on the wagon, and to start off I drew a picture to supplement my last post about trying to sleep in a bed meant for 2 humans, sans dog.

This is what I usually walk in and see. Dennis on the right as usual. Dexter... in my effing spot. Then if I try to move him he moans and groans like a wounded gnarwhal. On a related topic, what is a gnarwhal? It just sounded right at the time. In case you were wondering, Dennis is completely fine. That is not a an alien bursting from his shoulder; he just has a rad tattoo of a squid fighting a whale, and I gave this drawing 110% 17%. Actually I am proud of my Dexter picture and I'm surprised it turned out as nicely as it did due to the angry nature of my previous post from which this drawing is derived.

Fun fact: Don't they both look happy? Which makes it sad that the title of this picture is "sleepytime distress."

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dexter gets all up in my grill and this ain't no bbq

I got a deal today on for 4 movie tickets for $20. I am happy.

On another note, here's my dog:

Isn't he effin cute? The premise of this picture is actually really sad. I toss and turn trying to get to sleep most nights because D & Dexter take up so much space that I have to contort my body to try to fit into the jigsaw that is my sleeping situation. So once D wakes up and gets out of bed around 6, I take the opportunity to stretch out across the whole bed. It's nice because Dexter worships D so much that he always gets out of bed with D, leaving the bed all to MEEEEEE.

When D finally leaves, Dexter pines at the window for about ten minutes, then he realizes how effing early it is and tries to get back in bed. Now I'm sitting here, trying to think of a way to describe Dexter's company. The first word that comes to mind is "suffocating." Hm that's a little too strong. How about "no concept of personal space." Yea that's better.

So he gets back into bed and there's plenty of room on either side of me for him to stretch out. But he decides to curl up into a little ball for some reason, probably to increase his momentum (is that how physics works?). Then he curls up right up THISCLOSE next to me, which would be ok, maybe, but then he isn't even settled. It's like he's ready to lay down, he finds his spot, he plops himself down, and then he releases his breath or something, causing him to sway and then settle permanently on top of me. 

It's like someone sitting next to you in the airplane that is clearly too big for their seat sucking in their gut, then sitting down, giving you the illusion that hey, maybe they aren't going to expand all over me. Then they exhale and expand all over you.

It drives me crazy, cause then I try to scoot away, and he finds a way to reposition himself and scoot closer. So I do the only thing I can, which is to exile him from the room. He won't go willingly though. I have to say, "Wanna go potty?" So he gets all excited and runs to the stairs, then I shut the door and sigh contentedly as I drift away to dreamland. I get a good couple hours of sleep in, until I wake up and remember the terrible thing I did.

It wasn't that bad but I knew when I opened the door that his sad little face would be looking at me being like, "Why? Why did you banish me? Did I do something wrong?" and I'd be like, "Well, you were just all up in my grill and I couldn't sleep," and he'd be like, "Oh. I see. So I was trying to get close and snuggle up to you, and you wanted me gone. Ok." Then I'd scream, "Stop with the $#%*ing guilt trip already!!!!!!!" while tearing my nails down my face and writhing around. Meanwhile this conversation has been happening all inside my head. Maybe I should get another dog. Oh right back to the picture.

So I did finally open the door this morning and he did the same thing to the door that he does to me, (invade its personal space). I open the door and he falls into the room because he's all stacked up against the door, expanding a;KL <

Ahem. As I was saying, he's all stacked up against the door, expanding all over it. Excuse my typos, but someone just invaded my lap and tried to settle down. Guess who.

Anyway the picture is him after he joyously jumped back into bed and snuggled up with my blankets. It was cute and D asked me to take a picture, so there you have it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wiffleball Kick Off Happy Hour

There was a happy hour tonight for wiffleball at Della Roses at Canton Crossing. $10 for a wristband, not too shabby. And since I am captain it was free for me woo hoo! It pays to be captain I guess. I met almost everyone on my team. That makes me a happy panda. I had 8 people to meet, and 7 showed up, so that was awesome. I am really excited for my team to play and just to make new friends too (as cliched as it sounds).

Ever since D & I moved to Baltimore we have joked about how we have no friends up here. We do have friends in the area, but we just don't hang out with them enough and spend a lot of time by ourselves. We get on well enough, but it is nice to socialize and hang out with new people! We met a few new people through volleyball, and wiffleball is looking to be even better. Can't wait to see how my team gels on the field. They seem to gel pretty well at the bar.. ha ha.

In other news, my dad took us to a concert last night at Rams Head in Annapolis. There was an extra ticket so we asked AF to come. It was such a fun night. We saw Bob Schneider. RAWR! He was awesome. Look at him, all sultry.

If you ever have a chance to see an artist at Rams Head in Annapolis, I would def do it and grab dinner there before hand. The food is off the hook, and the concert venue is pretty small so you can sit really close to the stage. It has tables and you get waited on the whole time. Boo ya!

K it's time for bed for Meghan. But now you all know about my amazing week. It was fun and I like wiffleball. Hope you learned a lot. G'night!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bohs: Volleyball & Wiffleball Edition, + my 2 Heroes

I've (surprisingly) been keeping up with my food blog, What's On Meghan's Plate, so I haven't really had time to post anything on my real housewives blog. That makes me a sad panda.

Average Bohs - We had an undefeated Sunday last week!! (Sep 5) It was the holiday weekend so only 4 of our team members were able to make it. Luckily one of our players, BJ, brought her husband and we were able to play. We played 4 games and won every single one. Woo hoo! It was so much fun and a great ego boost to win. It's always fun to play, but it doesn't hurt to win a few. :) We played again this Sunday and won 2 out of 4... not as ego-boosting, but still a good time as usual. Go Bohs! One of our players, LB, posted this picture on fb.

Next week is the playoffs, which means it's the last week of volleyball. That is such a bummer. But - wiffleball is starting in 3 weeks so hoorah! Can't wait to see how that turns out.

On another note, oh how I love Stephen Colbert. People are starting to request that Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert hold a rally in some sort of retaliation to Glenn Beck's piece of shit rally in DC. Did you know that there were a million people there, and that they aren't going to let anyone tell them the number were any less than that? Hahahaha. Ok. I'm not sure how I feel about the attention that Beck is getting, and even though it's supposed to be a diss or something like that, I'm sure Beck will cry about how this is proof that his rally changed the nation, nay, the world!! UGH. Anywho, enough about him.

PS. The title of the post was referring to Colbert & Stewart. ;)

Ok I gotta get out of this house and maybe take Dexter to the dog park. Or for a nice long walk. Ciao!

PPS. Dexter (the show) starts back up on Sep 26. Eeeee!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Trivia Night @ No Idea Tavern

For some reason I got it into my head that I wanted to try out bar trivia on Tuesday. I did some research and tried to find out what kinds of trivia the city of Baltimore had to offer. I created a comprehensive list of possible places to try out. Here's what I have so far:

James Joyce 7:30

Shuckers 8:00
No Idea Tavern 8:30

Camden Pub 5:00
Alexander's Tavern 8:00
Canton's Portside Tavern 8:00
Waterfront Hotel 8:00

Max's Taphouse 9:00

Edgar's Billiards Club 6:30

Maggie Moore's 8:30

I haven't heard of some of these places, but I'm willing to check them all out and grade them!

Tuesday Aug 17: I ask my awesome neighbor (M) over facebook if she would be down for some bar trivia. I knew she would be. I didn't know that she would want to go that same night. It was just a general inquiry about her interest in trivia night. She texts me soon after and says she could meet up at 8:30 that night. I checked my schedule, and wouldn't you know it - there happens to be a trivia night at that exact time. Wow! It must have been fate. So we plan to go.

I text M's bf (J) and tell him to be there or be square. As it turns out, he is not square. He came over before we left and we watched the end of Paul Blart: Mall Cop. I give it a C+.

J bikes to the bar and beats us with 10+ minutes to spare, since we drove and had to find $^&#ing parking in Federal Hill. As we pull into our spot 2 blocks away, Dennis says, "I'm never coming to Federal Hill again by car. Just putting that out there now." Looks like we gotta get some bikes.

J texts me as we're walking to the bar - "We got a table in the back. Team name? 1 min." Our volleyball team, Average Bohs, came to mind naturally. But alas, I did not meet the 1 minute deadline and I was left to the mercy of J's imagination. We were Boh Mamas. I liked it.

We were given a sheet of paper which outlined 5 rounds and 8 answer spaces for each round. There's also a blank next to each round number. I'm guessing they change up the categories each week. First category is Movies from 2010. The emcee for this trivia stands behind the bar and yells out questions over a megaphone. Each group is huddled around a table, communicating in hushed whispers, lest your opponents hear your answers. There was a lot of pantomiming involved. J mouthed to me that one of the answers was "Book of Eli" which I misheard as "Blinking Eye," so I confusedly pointed to my eyes as I blinked spasmodically. Sadly, a few milliseconds later I realized what J was saying, but it was too late. The blinks had already occurred. Alas.

At the end of the round, MC asked if any repeats were needed, then he went through each question one at a time as the crowd shouted the correct answer. The scoring is based on the honor system. You write your own answer in, score yourself, then tally up the points. It seems like it would be pretty easy to cheat, but M pointed out that that prizes must not be that great. Good call. Turns out the prizes are mostly alcohol-based, which is fine by me. Also, the bar plays 2-3 songs between rounds so you have a chance to use the bathroom, grab a smoke, or order another round of drinks.

Poor MC had to call out each of the team names after each round and the team responded with their score for the round. I say poor because while we just picked a name thinking, 'we need a team name,' many others picked a name thinking, 'this guy is going to call this out over a megaphone in a crowded bar.' My favorite was "Paging Dr. Faggot." (PS. If you haven't seen The Hangover, stop reading and go see it now.) One team was called "The back door is open" which wasn't that great, but after the 3rd or 4th round MC changed it to "The back door is slightly ajar." Someone yelled out, "I hope no one gets in!" I laughed.

The next few rounds were pretty fun. It seemed that MC had come up with all of the categories & questions on his own, which I liked. The remaining categories were Famous Pairs, Night & Day, -Ologies, and then a Name That Tune round. It was MC's 8 favorite artists. The first one was Coldplay, and after he played the clip some girl hollered, "You know how I know you're gay?" and it was pretty funny. We did the worst on that round, but I still impressed myself with the songs that I did get.

After the 5 rounds, there was a final bonus round where you wagered your points for one question. The category was First Ladies. The answer was Cleveland, which one group actually got right... how, I don't know.

Quick booze summary: We drank buckets the whole time. 5 Miller Lights for $2.50 each. We got 4 buckets & split the bill down the middle, so it worked out to about $12 per person. Not too bad for 5 beers.

At the end of each round, the team with the best score was called up to the bar for a round of shots. If there was a tie, the teams had a chug-off... which meant sucking a Guinness through a straw. Vom!! But it keeps things interesting. I didn't see what the winning team got, but I'm guessing it was more booze.


Me & D having a good ole time.

Overall, we had a great time! I'm planning on going back next week and possibly making it a regular thing. We'll see how the other bar trivia journeys go. If you're in Baltimore near Federal Hill on a Tuesday night, try to stop by around 8:30 and grab a table and an answer sheet. It's fun for a laid-back night out with a few friends. Hope to see you there!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

GRIPES about Muslim-haters

So the big story on the news lately is this REPREHENSIBLE mosque that is being built in lower Manhattan, just a few blocks from Ground Zero. Maybe it's because I am not religious in any way, shape, or form, but I couldn't believe the amount of news coverage that this "issue" was being given. Or maybe it's because I'm not batshit crazy. I dunno.

First of all, I thought everybody agreed upon that fact that Sarah Palin is an idiot, yet I keep seeing her voicing her thoughts over and over again. Who are these enablers that are letting her go on thinking her opinion has value?? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when one side is represented by Palin, I am not able to take them seriously.

I understand the sensitivity issue, but Al-Qaeda represents a small sect of extremist Muslims and their faults shouldn't be extrapolated to the entire group. How many extremist Christians/Catholics have done terrible things, including murder and terrorism, to make the entire group look bad? Ever heard of the KKK? Is it any surprise that they have roots in Christianity? 

Taken from a KKK website - "In order to be a regular Associate you must be able to profess faith in... Jesus the Christ." So naturally I should consider every person who believes in Jesus Christ to also be a member of the KKK. I think I'll do that. No, wait, that would be extremely uneducated and gross stretch of the imagination on my part.

Yet pundits and politicians in America are subjecting all Muslims to this behavior - punishing all for the actions of few. It's disgusting.

I noticed some debate over this whole topic on facebook and somebody brought up the notion that Timothy McVeigh was a redneck, so there shouldn't be any redneck bars allowed near the site of the Oklahoma City bombing. Some ignorant jackass responded, "At least rednecks are American." Sigh.

Indeed they are. Unlike Muslims who are all foreigners... Stupid people tend to generalize a lot, I've noticed. It's totally impossible that anyone who isn't white could be a true, red-blooded American! If you're a Muslim, you must look like a stereotypical Muslim (and a terrorist to boot!), and you can't possibly have been born here, and if you were, you were probably the result of this "anchor baby" trend.

I know that I could rip this idiot a new one if I wanted to, but I find it's easier to save my energy for people who aren't inbred. I really enjoy having intelligent debates with intelligent people, even if we are on opposing sides. It is so refreshing to be able to agree to disagree on subjects without resorting to washed-out, overused statements... eg: At least ________ is American!
