Wednesday, August 18, 2010

GRIPES about Muslim-haters

So the big story on the news lately is this REPREHENSIBLE mosque that is being built in lower Manhattan, just a few blocks from Ground Zero. Maybe it's because I am not religious in any way, shape, or form, but I couldn't believe the amount of news coverage that this "issue" was being given. Or maybe it's because I'm not batshit crazy. I dunno.

First of all, I thought everybody agreed upon that fact that Sarah Palin is an idiot, yet I keep seeing her voicing her thoughts over and over again. Who are these enablers that are letting her go on thinking her opinion has value?? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when one side is represented by Palin, I am not able to take them seriously.

I understand the sensitivity issue, but Al-Qaeda represents a small sect of extremist Muslims and their faults shouldn't be extrapolated to the entire group. How many extremist Christians/Catholics have done terrible things, including murder and terrorism, to make the entire group look bad? Ever heard of the KKK? Is it any surprise that they have roots in Christianity? 

Taken from a KKK website - "In order to be a regular Associate you must be able to profess faith in... Jesus the Christ." So naturally I should consider every person who believes in Jesus Christ to also be a member of the KKK. I think I'll do that. No, wait, that would be extremely uneducated and gross stretch of the imagination on my part.

Yet pundits and politicians in America are subjecting all Muslims to this behavior - punishing all for the actions of few. It's disgusting.

I noticed some debate over this whole topic on facebook and somebody brought up the notion that Timothy McVeigh was a redneck, so there shouldn't be any redneck bars allowed near the site of the Oklahoma City bombing. Some ignorant jackass responded, "At least rednecks are American." Sigh.

Indeed they are. Unlike Muslims who are all foreigners... Stupid people tend to generalize a lot, I've noticed. It's totally impossible that anyone who isn't white could be a true, red-blooded American! If you're a Muslim, you must look like a stereotypical Muslim (and a terrorist to boot!), and you can't possibly have been born here, and if you were, you were probably the result of this "anchor baby" trend.

I know that I could rip this idiot a new one if I wanted to, but I find it's easier to save my energy for people who aren't inbred. I really enjoy having intelligent debates with intelligent people, even if we are on opposing sides. It is so refreshing to be able to agree to disagree on subjects without resorting to washed-out, overused statements... eg: At least ________ is American!



  1. hey check out this video from kieth olberman on the topic:

    additionally, it's important to note that it is not even a 'mosque" that is being built. it is a muslim community center (much like a YMCA).

  2. thanks for your comment emily. i put an annoyed status up on fb yesterday and my brother said "plus how accurate is it really to suggest that the plotters "used a mosque"? seems fishy. they certainly didn't use a manhattan muslim community center w/ swimming pool." apparently it has an arts center too. it seems like it would be a great addition to any community, regardless of what religion it is based in.

  3. sweet lord i just finished that video. absolutely masterful!!
