Tuesday, July 27, 2010

dexter dog

Almost done with this one. Just wanted to post an updated picture.

Monday, July 26, 2010

basset hound

I saw a picture of this baby basset hound on a friend's fb and decided it was a perfect model. This is Beaudie in oil on an 11x14 canvas, and I finished it in one day! Still working on my 16x20 Dexter. I think I'll submit Dexter for my first piece, and if it sells I'll put this one up next. I feel good about it. That's all for now.

beach volleyball

So I started a beach volleyball team called Averages Bohs and we had our first run tonight. It was totally RAD. Ok it was really fun and even though my forearms are red and covered in shards of mica, I had a blast. My team is awesome and I am hoping we can get together for some after-vball functions sometimes.

My neighbor (who is also an Average Boh!) got locked out of her house so I went out and sat on her stoop with her while we waited for her bf (another Average Boh!!) to get home. We drank a couple of beers and talked about our awesome game. We are having a practice on Tuesday night that I am really looking forward to.

I've had a busy weekend. On Saturday I went to BARCS and dog-walked for 2 hours. By that I mean, I walked with a guy while he walked dogs and he gave me pointers and stuff. I have to go back and do it one more time, then I can go walk the dogs unsupervised. YEA!!

But seriously, those dogs are so effin cute. Being around all of those excitable little doggies made me want to sprint home to Dexter and give him a big ol hug. Which I did. Then we took him to a pool party and threw him in... twice. He hates the water, but I think he is getting better with it (being thrown in against his will). I think we just need to work with him and give him some hot dogs and he'll be fine.

I have had this cough for like a week now & it's so bad I have to sleep in the guest room so I don't wake Dennis. This sucks!! Except that now I can catch up on my True Blood. Hell yea.

I haven't worked on any art since my last post, but I have to turn in my work for the art show on the 29th so I will be hitting it hard this week & will put up plenty of pictures. Now it's time for me to hit the hay. I got my Jasmine Green tea & some Tylenol PM. Hopefully it will help with my cough. Night!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

and even more art

Just wanted to post these 2 pictures I started earlier tonight. Both of Dexter, duh. Feedback encouraged - aka which ones do you like and why? The picture I put up is going to be for public sale so I'm trying to figure out what the public would like. I love Dexter so I like these paintings, but I want to paint something that will appeal to people who don't know Dexter. So let me know what you all like. Thanks!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

some more art, plus the wire

I created 2 more pieces and finished (sort of) my Doggy Jail picture. I have to thank Courtney for taking that one - Dexter sits on the stairs and looks at us through the railing like he is in jail. Courtney took some pictures and dubbed it "Doggy Jail" and that's what we call it now when he goes there. So that's the first one. I tried to spice it up a little by using purple for the shading and blue for the muzzle markings and it turned out pretty neat, but I went a little further with the next two.

One is of him laying on the bed with his ear up in a funny way, and the other one is a duplicate of a picture from the last post. The picture I used as the model is the very first picture I ever took of Dexter. We visited BARCS during the week and saw 2 dogs that we liked. Over the next few days, Dennis said he had dreams about Dexter (then named Propellor) and that we had to get that dog.

We went back to BARCS on a Friday to see Dexter again but it was so crowded that there wasn't enough time to see him, or even to see if he was still available. We took home the adoption papers to fill out and crossed our fingers. We went back on Monday and as luck would have it, he was still there. We were so happy to see him again. We took him to a run outside and played with him off leash. I took that picture of him smiling with his huge mouth open and it's just perfect! What a great model!! :)

So I'll be creating a few more of that same picture with different color schemes to see how it turns out, and I might even try an Andy Warhol theme with it. I'll post the pictures.

On a separate note, Ashley lent us seasons 1-4 of The Wire and we have started watching. Wow, crazy show! So far, I am captivated. That is all for now - back to my painting. Night!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I'm going to try to enter some artwork into show to benefit BARCS (Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter). It has to be animal themed. Easy enough.. Dexter is my muse for most things anyway. I have so many pictures of him, I just have to pick a few and paint them. I have already done 2 and am working on a 3rd.

I can't find my oil paints so I am drawing with Oil Pastels and painting over the colors with paint thinner to blend them. So far it looks pretty good! I just want to make sure I capture the face that I fell in love with. I could possibly sell my work. That would be neato.

I need to get to bed but I wanted to post the pictures up here before I go. Let me know what you think. Thanks!


some things on tv aren't completely worthless

I am exhausted. Usually I stay up doing jack shit until 4 in the morning because I am on a weird sleep schedule right now. It is insane that I am actually in bed right now. Of course, I am not sleeping, just writing. Also watching the Simpsons. I've also been watching a lot of 30 Rock lately. That show is off the hook. If you don't watch it, you should. I can't even pick a favorite cast member because they are all fantastic.

Now - my real favorite show.. Dexter. I love this show. I am so looking forward to the 5th season at the end of September. So far away!! I have seen all of the episodes but Dennis hasn't so we have started watching Season 1 & gotten to episode 8 or 9.

I named my dog after this show after I watched about half of an episode and realized I was really going to like it. Someone awhile ago told me they thought I would enjoy this show, but I thought the idea was weird and far-fetched. A serial killer with a code? Who you can relate to? Weird. But whoever it was that told me to check it out really hit the nail on the head because I absolutely adore it. I think part of it might be because I like Michael C. Hall.

This is another show that if you don't watch, you should try one episode. The first episode alone should hook you. If you don't like it, its no big deal, you probably just aren't obsessed with serial killers like I am. Seriously though I swear I'm not a sociopath, I want to learn about them so I can catch them like on Criminal Minds!! That is my dream - to work for the FBI in a career like that. That is also a good show. 

Dang I just noticed that Lisa has a poster in her room that says Jazz Fest!!! Ok that's all for now.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

psychics continued

Adding on to my last post, I just saw this commercial:

"Why leave your future up to chance? Call California Psychics!"

Isn't that a little redundant?

terrible tv shows

I'm going to see 311 Pepper & Offspring tomorrow with 3 people I really like. Oh boy.

OMG I am watching this show Snapped on the Oxygen network. I like watching murder mystery shows so don't judge me. Anywho, I like this show but the commercials are really hard to get through. For example, 2 new shows that have been advertised are called "Mary Knows Best" and "Hair Battle Spectacular."

MKB - doesn't really sound that bad at first glance, but then you find out it's about a psychic mother named Mary who says things like "Mama mia!" and her kids say things like, "Just turn off the ability for like 2 seconds!" I hate psychics, or people who claim to be psychics rather, and the fact that she has her own kids fooled is even worse.

If I had a dime for every time my parents called me out for breaking the rules or whatever, I'd have a lot of money. It's parental intuition, c'mon. Had they ever once tried to convince me that they knew I was lying due to their psychic abilities, it would have been game over. I never would have caved again.

Psychics are lame and the only thing worse than them is the people who give them credence and enable them. Enter lame TV show.

HBS - Oh my god. It looks like Project Runway, except with hair instead of clothes, and D-list stylists instead of Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn. The commercials look awful awful awful. And the judges are worse, because like the psychics mentioned above, someone is enabling them. It's like watching VH1 shows like "Top 100 One Hit Wonders" and then watching people make fun of the artists featured. Then you realize the people poking fun are Kathy Griffin and... uh... yea my point exactly. I can't remember anyone else because they are less memorable than the one hit wonders.

Stupid people perpetuate stupid shows.

On an unrelated note...

Meredith: I would like to shoot ***** in the woods
and pay some hick
to do away with him
deliverance style
Meredith: you know what I'm saying?
oink oink

Now THERE'S a housewife who needs a TV show.

my one year anniversary with baltimore

I actually hate it when people call Baltimore "Charm City" but I had to go with the flow of my old blog and Baltimore City just wasn't cutting it.

We have a slug problem in the basement. It's disgusting. We have a carpet remnant down there and you can see the slug trails all over it. They only come out at night or something, and for the 3 months we have lived here I have only seen 2. The first one escaped my wrath because it was actually crippling fear. I tried setting a beer trap for them but they evaded me.

So I went down to finish my laundry tonight and there was this huge guy just laying there. I got the salt and poured it on him. I felt really bad. Then the slug was writhing around and I felt worse. I offered up a job on facebook for someone to come clean it up but I only got 2 offers. The economy can't be that bad!

I ended up cleaning it up myself, and I was freaking out the whole time and holding my breath for some reason. Then I finally got it into this garbage bag, and I put that inside of another bag because there was a little hole in the bottom of the first bag and I kept picturing this slug coming out in the night and eating me alive, like a Goosebumps book. I put those bags in the kitchen trash can (and a 3rd bag) and every time I had to open the trash for the rest of the night I did it as quickly as possible so the slug didn't have a chance to jump out at me. Yech.

I basically started up the old blog again so I could relate the story of this poor slug. The rest of my posts will be inspired by more interesting topics.. hopefully. I really want to go to sleep but I am worried that my visions of the slug will prevent me from sleep. I'm not kidding.. this incident really damaged me. I'll let you know how it works out.

Oh also in case you didn't figure it out yet, I have been living in Baltimore for over a year now. Yippee.